Our beloved Tania Dirks has been convinced there is a subset of people that don’t use messenger/facebook, and has asked us to trial-run collecting payments and managing will-call for an event.
We’re trying it out with Mini-Masters: Woman with Parasol … so if you have been wanting to join one of her classes but don’t use facebook or social media in general, we’ll be handling tickets for her (so she can spend less time on logistics and more time pumping out amazing art!)
Everyone raves about how fun her classes are, so if you’ve never done one we highly recommend trying it out!
With all classes, there is a discount for being a member, so sign up today if you haven’t already!
If you are on social media, be sure and like/follow her professional page! She’s truly an amazing part of our community. She does weekly “Tuesday with Tania” classes, and monthly “paint and sip” events here, as well as a number of other venues throughout the region.
We’ll be adding dedicated pages introducing our fabulous instructors over time, so keep an eye out for the full writeup on how very amazing this particular woman is!