by phiggins | Nov 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Building on our last post for the Sphere creator and other geometry experiments, we’ve made some more shenanigans. At our Weekly Wednesday Tech club meet up we did a small demo for the kids in attendance, and the discussion quickly turned into fun destruction...
by phiggins | Oct 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
It’s no secret we love some minecraft around these parts. We host two servers on our mini-farm in the basement, both running paper and geyser, allowing both Java and Bedrock users to join in the fun. If you are a member, send us your gamer tag and we’ll...
by phiggins | Sep 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
A bit ago we announced a very generous matching-contribution from an anonymous contributor (Lulu), where they would match any $500 donation earmarked for window replacement efforts up to $2,000. Well, we just received our first also anonymous $500 contribution, and...
by phiggins | Aug 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Our beloved Tania Dirks has been convinced there is a subset of people that don’t use messenger/facebook, and has asked us to trial-run collecting payments and managing will-call for an event. We’re trying it out with Mini-Masters: Woman with Parasol...
by phiggins | Aug 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
One thing about this place is that there is seldom a dull moment. Now, we enjoy our dull moments as much as anyone. The couch in the sitting area makes for a phenomenal mid-afternoon nap spot when the hustle-bustle of activity dies down. But, not much napping was...
by phiggins | Aug 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
Our group is not a “Guild” really. We are just a community of artists who work with fabric and fibers. We gather to have workshops, given by members of the group, on various techniques, including quilting techniques (i.e., sewing, piecing, applique,...